men's Ministries
Welcome to the
VBF Men's Ministry
At Vero Bible Fellowship, our Men's Ministry is relationship driven! Our GOAL is to connect with each other to cultivate a passion for God, strengthen our faith, and to become reproducing disciples of Jesus Christ.
Our desire is that, just as “iron sharpens iron”, the Lord will use us in each other’s lives to forge us into the godly men and leaders He would have us to be. We purpose to encourage and challenge one another and grow together primarily through the study of His Word, the Bible, and also through scripture-based books and bible-based topical series which address men’s issues as they pertain to the Christian faith.
We also enjoy gathering for food, fun and fellowship! We strive to develop friendships and deep bonds of brotherhood!! We never want to lose sight that the Lord has called us into community with one another and the joy that can be found in doing so!
We meet regularly on Monday evenings from 6:15 PM to 8:00 PM in The Commons at our new Sanctuary and on Wednesday mornings from 10:00 AM to 11:30 AM in The Commons in our new Sanctuary.