Hello VBF Family!
I hope you are experiencing God’s ever abiding presence in your life today. I want to take a quick minute and share with you some changes that we are making to our Sunday worship gathering space.
If you remember back in May when we first started meeting together after the initial Covid isolation, I preached a sermon from Philippians 2:1–4, where the Apostle Paul challenged the church to have the same mind as that of Christ Jesus. What mind is that? 3 Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves. 4 Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others.
In an effort to show consideration for the needs of others, we are taking a closer look at our effectiveness of providing a safe environment for those who are more susceptible to effects the Corona virus. It is our desire that every member of our church family have a high level of confidence that proper measures have been taken during our Sunday worship service.
When we first started meeting again at Storm Grove, we had ample space for distancing. As more people have returned to weekend services, we have decided it is time to create a new option in our seating arrangement.
Beginning this Sunday we will set out all of the chairs we have at Storm Grove. This will allow for people to spread out with more space between families.
In addition to adding the remaining chairs, we will create a "Social Distancing Section" for seating in the back half of the section closest to the glass windows. In this section the rows will be spaced a bit farther apart. At the Information Table we will offer neon-green 'seat saver signs' to place on either side of you or your party. This should allow for a little extra space between each individual or family group. People who sit in this "Social Distancing Section" will need to wear masks.
Our main reason for creating this roped-off section is out of consideration for those who are most concerned about the virus. We want to show them that they are just as important to this body as everyone else. We would rather have them be present and feel safe, rather than be isolated and alone at home.
Let me also say that, as the lead pastor I will wear a mask before and after service because if not wearing a mask could cause someone to hesitate speaking with me, then I will gladly wear a mask.
The creation of this new seating section is not an attempt to mandate mask wearing. It is an attempt for all of us to be sensitive to those who are susceptible and would like to attend our worship service. “Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others.”
We have such a wonderful congregation! Praise God that more people are coming each week. Let’s make it as safe as possible for all who attend. Even in this tenuous season let’s continue to grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ!
You are all loved,
Pastor Greg and the Elder Team