A Note From our
VBF Students Pastor
Student ministries can be about many things. My aim is that our ministry would be a place for students to grow in their love for God and grow in their friendships with others. Love for God and love for others are the most important things we can focus on. If you are new to VBF and this ministry, please feel free to email, text or call me anytime with questions or to know more about our ministry. Your student is welcome here! And I pray it will be an environment that God would use in their life for their growth.
Brenton Wade
VBF Students Pastor
VBF students
VBF Student Ministry exists to create a place for students to grow in their knowledge of God, relationship with God, and relationships with other students. All students in 6th grade through 12th grade are welcome to join us. We meet every Sunday night from 6:00 PM - 7:30 PM in the youth building at the Vero Beach Church of Christ -- at 3306 20th Street in Vero Beach.
Our weekly meetings consist of hanging out, playing games, and studying the Bible together. We are currently doing a Bible Study out of the Gospel of Mark. We also typically have events once a month to give students an opportunity to further connect and build relationships.